thing i like this week

it's not my favorite of either aesop or clipping but just the fact that they're collabbing is pretty cool. it's also grown on me after a few listens

i've tried writing a lot in the past. i think my fiction is pretty decent but i've never been proud of criticism i've done outside of schoolwork. maybe i can make graphic criticism. we'll see. hopefully i'll also get around to written criticism as well, i still like the stuff

hi hiiii, i'm janie!

But then, I had a very good idea. I used f5. See, using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and i was able to see a chest i couldn't have seen before.

i have like no experience with html and do not have an editor outside of neocities atm, so that's why i have a bazillion updates. i'm just figuring stuff out. consider this under construction for now, i hope to be putting up some creative works and random things i like, i think that's how these are supposed to work? i don't fully know what i'm doing here yet but am excited to be trying it out! suggestions are appreciated.

check out my solo rpg that is bad

"It was recently discovered that a Pokemon with 655 or more as its raw stat prior to modifiers has that stat roll back over to 0. Because of the way this interacts with the damage formula Pokemon with 0 Defense / SpD take almost no damage (2 before modifiers). This is clearly not balanced in any meaningful competitive way.

Eternatus-Eternamax, the Pokemon this was first discovered on, reaches the requisite defensive stats." -Drampa's Grandpa, 2020

i guess i do graphic design now

we don't smoke those menthols here